[When authorship is shared, asterisks are used to indicate relatively greater effort or ownership, typically 50% or more.]

Refereed Journal Articles

Trudeau, A.*, Xie, Y., Ketsman, O., York, C., & Goldsmith, S. (2024). The power of storyliving: A study of adolescent students’ responses to cinematic virtual reality in a school library setting. TechTrends. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-024-00995-6

Alfageh, D.*, York, C. S., Hodge-Zickerman, A., & Xie, Y. (2024). Elementary teachers' use of adaptive diagnostic assessment to improve mathematics teaching and learning: A case study. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 19(1), em0768. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/14190

Anderson, M. C.*, York, C. S., Hodge-Zickerman, A., Park, Y. S., & Rhode, J. (2024). Empowering medical educators: A UTAUT analysis of technology adoption in inquiry-based learning. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-023-09709-y [5-Year Impact Factor = 3.5]. https://rdcu.be/du6wi

Chen, Y.*, Mayall, H. J., Smith, T. J., & York, C. S. (2023). Conceptualizing a mobile-assisted learning environment featuring funds of knowledge for English learners' narrative writing development. Language Learning & Technology, 27(1), 1-17.  https://www.lltjournal.org/item/10125-73543 [SSCI Indexed: 5-Year Impact Factor = 4.694; 10 out of 194 Linguistics Journals and 31st out of 267 Education and Educational Research Journals]

Khasawneh, E.*, Hodge-Zickerman, A., York, C. S., Smith, T. J., & Mayall, H. (2023). Examining the effect of inquiry-based learning versus traditional lecture-based learning on students’ achievement in college algebra. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 18(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/12715 https://www.iejme.com/article/examining-the-effect-of-inquiry-based-learning-versus-traditional-lecture-based-learning-on-students-12715

Marghalani, A.*, & York, C. S. (2021). Online courses: Accessibility for low vision. Distance Learning…for Educators, Trainers, and Leaders. An official publication of the United States Distance Learning Association, 18(3), 1-13. PDF

Hodge-Zickerman, A., Stade, E., York, C. S., & Rech, J. (2020). TACTivities: Fostering creativity through tactile learning activities. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 10(2), 377-390. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/vol10/iss2/17/

Chen, Y.*, Smith, T. J., York, C. S., & Mayall, H. J. (2020). Google Earth virtual reality and expository writing for young English learners from a Funds of Knowledge perspective. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33(1-2), 1-24. DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2018.1544151 PDF

Fabrikant, K., Bolton, C., York, C. S., & Hodge, A. (2019). Using supports to improve teacher work sample portfolio (edTPA) outcomes. GATEways to Teacher Education, 29(2), 60-75. https://issuu.com/gaate/docs/gateways_2019_volume_29_issue_2

Chen, Y.*, Mayall, H. J., York, C. S., & Smith, T. J. (2019). Parental perception and English learners’ mobile-assisted language learning: An ethnographic case study from a technology-based Funds of Knowledge approach. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 22(2019). Impact factor 1.143. PDF

Tawfik, A., Gill, A., Hogan, M., York, C. S., & Keen, C. W. (2019). How novices use expert case libraries for problem solving. Technology, Knowledge & Learning, 24(1), 23-41. DOI 10.1007/s10758-017-9324-1 PDF

Tawfik, A., Giabbanelli, P., Hogan, M., Msilu, F., Gill, A., & York, C. S. (2018). Effects of success v failure cases on learner-learner interaction. Computers & Education, 118(2018), 120-132. PDF

York, C. S.*, & Ertmer, P. A. (2016). Examining instructional design principles applied by experienced designers in practice. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 29(2), 169-192. DOI: 10.1002/piq.21220 PDF

York, C. S., Yamagata-Lynch, L., & Smaldino, S. E. (2016). Adult reflection in a graduate level online distance education course. Reflective Practice, 17(1), 40-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2015.1123686

Banas, J. R.*, & York, C. S. (2014). Authentic learning exercises as a means to influence preservice teachers’ technology integration self-efficacy and intentions to integrate technology. Australasian Journal
of Educational Technology, 30(6), 728-746. PDF

Banas, J. R.*, & York, C. S. (2014). The impact of authentic learning exercises on pre-service teachers’ motivational beliefs toward technology integration. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 10(3), 60-76. PDF

York, C. S.*, & Chinn, L. (2013). Using iPad video to mentor student teacher candidates. School-University Partnerships: The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, 6(2), 78-83. PDF

York, C. S.*, & Ertmer, P. A. (2013). Design heuristics in academic, corporate, and military instruction: More similar than different. Educational Technology, 53(4), 17-24. PDF

York, C. S.*, & Richardson, J. C. (2012). Interpersonal interaction in online learning: Experienced online instructors’ perceptions of influencing factors. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 16(4), 83-98. PDF

York, C. S.*, & Ertmer, P. A. (2011). Towards an understanding of instructional design heuristics: An exploratory Delphi study. Educational Technology Research and Development, 59(6), 841-863. PDF

Hodge, A. M.*, Richardson, J. C.*, & York, C. S.* (2009). The impact of a web-based homework tool in university algebra courses on student learning and strategies. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 5(4), 618-629. http://jolt.merlot.org/vol5no4/hodge_1209.pdf

Ertmer, P. A.*, York, C. S., & Gedik, N. (2009).  Learning from the pros: How experienced designers translate ID models into practice.  Educational Technology, 49(1), 19-26. PDF

Ertmer, P. A.*, Stepich, D. A.*, York, C. S., Stickman, A., Wu, X., Zurek, S., & Goktas, Y. (2008). How instructional design experts use knowledge and experience to solve ill-structured problems. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 21(1), 17-42. PDF

Dondera, R.*, Jia, C.*, Popescu, V.*, Nita-Rotaru, C., Dark, M., & York, C. S. (2008). Virtual classroom extension for effective distance education. Special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28(1), 64-74. PDF

York, C. S.*, Yang, D., & Dark, M. (2007). Transitioning from face-to-face to online instruction: How to increase presence and cognitive/social interaction in an online information security risk assessment class. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 3(2), 42-52. PDF

Paper reprint: York, C. S.*, Yang, D., & Dark, M. (2009). Transitioning from face-to-face to online instruction: How to increase presence and cognitive/social interaction in an online information security risk assessment class. In J. Gutierrez (Ed.), Selected readings on telecommunications and networking (pp. 405-415). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Ertmer, P. A.*, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T.*, & York, C. S.* (2006). Exemplary technology-using teachers: Perceptions of factors influencing success. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 23(2), 53-59. PDF

Nonrefereed Journal Articles

West, R. E., York, C. S., Pastore, R., & Xu, M. (2010). Reflections from the first year of a successful AECT conference mentoring program. TechTrends, 54(2), 13-14. PDF

York, C. S. (2009). Top ten reasons a graduate student should apply to be an ECT Foundation intern. TechTrends, 53(2), 15. PDF

Book Author

York, C. S., Lowenthal, P. R., Herring, M. & Smaldino, S. E. (2023). Planning for interactive distance education (3rd ed.). EdTechBooks.org. https://edtechbooks.org/planning_for_interactive_distance_education

Book Editor

Lowenthal, P., York, C. S., & Richardson, J. C. (Eds.). (2014). Online learning: Common misconceptions, benefits, and challenges. Nova Science Publishers. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=47972&osCsid=17944cc6366b46709739b9cdd4575629

Book Chapters

Hodge-Zickerman, A., & York, C. S. (2024). Humanizing mathematics in online learning environments. In L. Gray & S. Dunn (Eds.), Incorporating the human element in online teaching and learning (pp. 114- 136). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/humanizing-mathematics-in-online-learning-environments/343011

Hodge-Zickerman, A., & York, C. S. (2024). The evolution of assessing mathematical content knowledge in online mathematics courses. In J. P. Howard, II & J. F. Byers (Eds.), Teaching and learning mathematics online (2nd ed.). Taylor & Francis.

Hodge-Zickerman, A.*, & York, C. S.* (2024). Embracing ChatGPT in the evolving landscape of mathematics teacher education and assessment. In M. Searson, E. Langran, & J. Trumble (Eds.). Generative AI in Teacher Education: Opportunities, challenges, and visions for the future (pp. 111-128). AACE.

Hodge-Zickerman, A., & York, C. S. (2023). Embracing a technology-enhanced active learning mathematics classroom [153-158]. In R. E. Ferdig, R. Hartshorne, E. Baumgartner, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), What preK-12 teachers should know about educational technology in 2023: A research-to-practice anthology. AACE. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/222690/

Hodge-Zickerman, A., York, C. S., & Lowenthal, P. (2021). Teaching mathematics education online: Instructional theories, strategies, and technologies [pp. 1-20]. In K. Hollebrands, R. Anderson, & K. Oliver (Eds.). Online Learning in Mathematics Education. Springer Series, Research in Mathematics Education.

Hodge-Zickerman, A., Stade, E., & York, C. S. (2021). TACTivities: A way to promote hands-on, minds-on learning in a virtual environment. In M. Niess & H. Gillow-Wiles (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Transforming Teachers’ Online Pedagogical Reasoning for Engaging K-12 Students in Virtual Learning [pp. 278-296]. IGI Global. PDF

Medley, R.*, Nolley, C., Labriola, T., Brown, Y., Polowy, M., Lloyd, V., York, C. S., & Yamagata-Lynch, L. (2020). Evolutional and technological influences in design:  A longitudinal examination of the PRIDE design case. In E. Boling, M. J. Bishop, J. Elen, & V. Svihla (Eds.). Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (5th ed.). Bloomington, IN: AECT. 

Hodge, A., York, C. S., & Rech, J. (2019). University educators and disciplinary specialists working together to enhance community outreach and deepen K-12 teacher content knowledge.  In J. Allen & R. Reiter-Palmon (Eds.). The Cambridge handbook of organizational community engagement and outreach (pp. 187-206). New York: Cambridge University Press. PDF

Fabrikant, K. B., Bolton, C., York, C. S., & Hodge, A. (2018). The power of supports to improve edTPA outcomes. In J. E. Many & R. Bhatnagar (Eds.). Implementing and analyzing performance assessment in teacher education (pp. 105-120). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. PDF

Banas, J. R.*, & York, C. S. (2016). Pre-service teachers’ motivation to use technology and the impact of authentic learning exercises. In L. A. Tomei (Ed.). Advances in information and communication technology education: Exploring the new era of technology-infused education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. ISBN: 978-1-5225-1709-2 PDF

Dunlap, J. C., Bose, D., Lowenthal, P. R., York, C. S., Atkinson, M., & Murtagh, J. (2015). What sunshine is to flowers: A literature review on the use of emoticons to support online learning. In S. Y. Tettegah & M. Gartmeier (Eds.). Emotions, technology, design, and learning (pp. 163-283). San Diego, CA: Elsevier. PDF

Fabrikant, K. B., York, C. S., & Morris, M. E. (2014). Integrating technology into pedagogical content knowledge in K-12 and university professional development. In J. K. Holtz, S. B. Springer, & C. J. Boden-McGill (Eds.). Building sustainable futures for adult learners (pp. 541-558). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. PDF

York, C. (2013). Cognitive apprenticeship. In R. C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of terminology of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 35-36). New York: Springer.

York, C. (2013). Cognitive learning theory. In R. C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of terminology of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 38-39). New York: Springer.

York, C. (2013). Cognitive strategies. In R. C. Richey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of terminology of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 41-42). New York: Springer.

York, C. S.*, & Fabrikant, K. B. (2011). High technology. In O. Wendt, R. W. Quist, & L. L. Lloyd (Eds.), Assistive Technology Volume 4: Principles and applications for communication disorders and special education (pp. 221-263). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. PDF

Leftwich, A.*, with Mong, C., York, C., Sadaf, A., & Newby, T. (2010). TaskStream: Advancing educational excellence (4th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Leftwich, A. T.*, with York, C., Sadaf, A., & Newby, T. (2008). TaskStream: Advancing educational excellence (3rd ed.). Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Newby, T. J.*, & York, C. S.* (2007). Desktop publishing: MS Publisher: The basics of desktop publishing. In T. J. Newby, Teaching and learning with Microsoft Office and FrontPage: Basic building blocks for computer integration. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Leftwich, A.*, with York, C. (2006). Taskstream: The tools of engagement EDCI 270 manual (2nd ed.). Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

York, C. S. (2005). Desktop publishing: MS Publisher: The basics of desktop publishing. In T. J. Newby, Teaching and learning with Microsoft Office and FrontPage: Basic building blocks for computer integration. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

York, C. S. (2005). Internet searching: The basics of a simple web search. In T. J. Newby, Teaching and learning with Microsoft Office and FrontPage: Basic building blocks for computer integration. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

York, C. S.*, & Newby, T. J.* (2005). Data management: MS Access: The basics of collecting, organizing, and retrieving loads of information. In T. J. Newby, Teaching and learning with Microsoft Office and FrontPage: Basic building blocks for computer integration, CD-ROM. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Ottenbreit, A. T.*, with York, C. (2005). Taskstream. In T. J. Newby, Teaching and learning with Microsoft Office and FrontPage: Basic building blocks for computer integration. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Leftwich, A. T.*, with York, C. (2005). Taskstream: The tools of engagement EDCI 270 manual. Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Thesis and Dissertation Publication

York, C. S. (2010). Extracting heuristics from experienced instructional designers. Dissertation, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

York, C. S.*, Boggess, J., & Shapland, M. (2000). Transitioning from a small-scale (Microsoft Access) to an enterprise-scale (Oracle) relational database management system. Unpublished thesis manuscript, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Harrison, K.*, York, C., & Mayall, H. (2018). Increasing authentic participation in asynchronous online discussions: Tips for instructors and instructional designers. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 952-962). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

York, C. S.*, & Ertmer, P. A. (2010, October). Examining instructional design principles applied by experienced designers in practice. Proceedings of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Anaheim, CA.

York, C. S.*, Ertmer, P. A., & Gedik, N. (2009, October). Instructional design heuristics (rules of thumb). Proceedings of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Louisville, KY.

York, C. S.*, Hodge, A. M.*, & Richardson, J. C.* (2008). Web-based homework in university algebra courses: student perceptions of learning and motivation to learn. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. (pp. 4618-4624).

Dark, M.*, York, C. S.*, Popescu, V., & Nita-Rotaru, C. (2007, October). Evaluating interactivity and presence in a new online distance learning system. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, Milwaukee, WI.

York, C. S.*, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T.*, & Ertmer, P. A.* (2005, October). Exemplary technology use: Teachers' perceptions of critical factors. Proceedings of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL.

Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T.*, York, C. S.*, Richardson, J. C., & Newby, T. J. (2005, October). Pre-service teachers: Development of perceptions and skills pertaining to technology integration. Proceedings of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Orlando, FL.

York, C.S.*, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T.*, Richardson, J. C., & Newby, T. J. (2005, March). Exploring options for delivery in a large technology integration lecture course for pre-service teachers. Proceedings of the Society from Information Technology and Teacher Education: Phoenix, AZ.